Customers are charged a monthly subscription fee, which means a recurring revenue stream that can be tricky to account for because it spans the course of several years ( and because, sometimes, customers back out of contracts). 客户可以每月支付费用,意味着公司的收益也是长期性的,结果导致会计计算非常麻烦,因为整个收益期会横跨多年(而且有些客户还可能中途终止合同)。
Your monthly savings will have a huge impact on this new account's growth, so you will have a strong incentive to save. 你每月的存款将对这个新帐户的增长产生巨大影响,因此你将会有更大的动力进行储蓄。
Then the activities on A and B's monthly bank statement won't be consistent with their account balances. 那么账户A和账户B的每月银行结账单将与它们账户的余额不一致。
The director of accounting services will keep the accountant of the police force informed of all transactions on account of the fund's investments and the latter will balance his accounts monthly and reconcile them with the deposit account maintained by the director of accounting services. 库务署署长须经常将基金投资所涉的一切帐目往来通知警队的会计师,而该会计师须每月结算其帐目,并将其帐目与库务署署长所处理的存款账户的帐目作对帐。
Steve: don't worry about that! I still have some money left in my monthly expense account, so lunch is on me. 史蒂夫:别担心这个!我的月费用帐户上还剩一些钱,午餐算我的。
A monthly report on an individuals account activity at the bank they have an account ( s) with. 银行为开户个人提供其帐户活动情况的月报表。
B: Yes, we will make the automatic monthly transfers to the tax accrual trust account and transfer that to the tax payment when it matures. 银行家:是的,我们将税务每月自动转帐到应缴税款信用帐户中去,并且到期后转入纳税。
The current account is use to meet monthly expenses, while money that is not yet needed is kept in a deposit account to earn interest. 你可以使用现金帐户来应付每月的开销,而用不着的钱就放在存款帐户里产生利息。
The salary as agree in the contract will is transferred monthly to the representative's account. 契约中所同意支付的薪水将按月转入业务代表的户头。
At the same time, there has been a big increase in the nation's monthly rent of public housing in cities and townships, with some regions increasing to account for about 10% of the income of dual income families. 同时,全国城镇公房月租金有了较大提高,部分地区提高到占双职工家庭收入的百分之十左右。
At the end of each month, please submit your monthly expense account ( with receipt, if any) to her. 请在每月月底提交您的每月开支帐户(收据,如果有的话)她的。
Oh, I think I'd like to take the monthly savings account then. 噢,那我想我要开一个按月计息的户头。
The account is debited for the corresponding amount and the cardholder is sent monthly statements of account. 记入借方的帐目是和他所用的钱数一致的。然后,持信用卡的人每月收到一份结帐单。
The details on the Bonus Payments and the Monthly Residual payments will be placed on the account page along with the accounting display. 有关红利付款和每月的剩余的付款的细节将与你的收入数据一同被放置在登录页面上。
China and Germany released large positive monthly balances in the past two days, while the Japanese trade account, which had slipped towards equilibrium during the last recession, is once again running at the pre-crisis rate of a positive 4 per cent of gross domestic product. 中国和德国近两日公布了庞大的月度顺差数据;日本贸易账户在衰退期间曾向收支平衡靠拢,如今却再度恢复到危机前的状况:顺差额占到国内生产总值(GDP)的4%。
The student can also set up an automatic monthly payment from a checking account so that at least a minimum amount is paid each month, which helps to avoid late fees. 学生还可以设置从支票账户自动还款的功能,这样至少每个月会按时还清信用卡的最低还款额,就不至于招致滞纳金了。
Besides the checking account, we have a monthly savings account and a daily interest account. 除了支票帐户以外,我们还有按月计息和按日计息的户头。
The account monthly service fee will be debited from the HKD Savings account. 户口服务月费将于港元储蓄帐户内扣除。
A salary is paid monthly, often directly into a bank account. 按月支付,常直接拨入领取者的银行帐户内。
According to the mean monthly water level, the relationships of the stability coefficient with the time is calculated, respectively, when the seepage pressure is ( or not) taken into account. 在此基础上,在剩余推力法中引入渗透力的算法,根据地下水的月平均观测水位,得出考虑渗透力和未考虑渗透力情况下稳定性系数与时间的关系。
As the length of the data of MTNs issued increase, future research may consider take monthly data into model as explanatory variables, to take macroeconomic factors into account with the study. 随着中期票据发行利率数据长度的增大,以后的研究可以考虑以月度数据为被解释变量,将宏观经济方面的因素也纳入到研究之中。
After completing business and billing data processing monthly, the operator can check the current business and accounting treatment whether is correct using account inquiry function, and also can inquire history accounting data and relevant business data at any time. 每月业务和账务数据处理完成后,操作员可以利用账务查询功能,检查确认当期业务和账务处理是否正确无误,也可以随时查询历史账务数据及相关业务数据。